YYou are invited to take part in a study to investigate a new vaccine against Marburg virus. The study is being led by the Oxford Vaccine Group, which is part of the University of Oxford. The study will take place at the Oxford Vaccine Group, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology & Tropical Medicine (CCVTM).
If you are aged between 18 and 55 years, in good health and able to attend regular face-to-face visits in Oxford Vaccine Group, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology & Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 7LE, you may be eligible to take part. We will reimburse you up to £1,470 for your time, travel and inconvenience. The study will last for one year.
Marburg virus is an infection closely related to Ebola and has caused outbreaks in several African countries. It is thought to be spread from bats to humans and can then spread through direct contact between people. It causes fever, rash, bleeding and organ failure, and 88% of people infected with Marburg virus die. There are currently no available vaccines or treatments for the disease, and the World Health Organisation has recognised it as a priority disease for research given its potential to cause serious epidemics.
Purpose of the study
The University of Oxford has developed a new vaccine, called ChAdOx1 Marburg, which is hoped to provide protection against Marburg virus disease. The vaccine has been produced with similar technology to that used for the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. This study will be the first time that ChAdOx1 Marburg has been given to humans. We are aiming to confirm the vaccine’s safety and investigate the immune response to vaccination.
Study details
If you are eligible and decide to take part, you will receive one or two doses (12 weeks apart) of the study vaccine, given as injections. You will be required to attend up to 15 face-to-face appointments including a screening appointment. You will have blood tests at each visit to check the safety of the vaccine and your immune response.
All visits will take place at the Oxford Vaccine Group, which is based at Centre for Clinical Vaccinology & Tropical Medicine (CCVTM), Churchill Hospital, Oxford, OX3 7LE.
Further information
If you would like to find out more, please read the Participant Information Sheet. If you have further questions after reading this, please contact us on:
Email: info@ovg.ox.ac.uk
Phone: 01865611400
Register your interest
Participant Information Sheet and are interested in joining the study, please complete the online screening questions below.