Oxford Vaccine Centre
The screening and follow up visits will take place at the Oxford Vaccine Centre). Please follow this link for the site map.
Address: Oxford Vaccine Centre,Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, Churchill Hospital, Oxford OX3 7LE)
For information on how to travel to the Oxford Vaccine Centre, please use the contact us pages on the Oxford Vaccine Group website.
Oxford Experimental Medicine Clinical Research Facility (EMCRF)
The quarantine part of the study will take place in a quarantine unit, Oxford EMCRF. The Oxford EMCRF is located in the same building as the Oxford Vaccine Centre, please follow this link for the site map.
Address: Churchill Dr, Headington, Oxford OX3 7LE
For information on how to travel to (the Oxford EMCRF, please use the contact us pages on the Oxford Vaccine Group website.